Invasive Ductal Carcinoma is one of the type of Breast Cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most common Cancer Type found around the world.
1.What’s it:
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma also called as infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma is type of breast cancer where the origin of cancer can be traced to milk carrying ducts of the Breast. This is a cancer which begins at milk carrying ducts in breast and later on become invasive by spreading it to nearby tissues. The invasive ductal carcinoma can spread to lobules or blood carrying vessel and to other body part also.
There are many subtypes under IDC which all are treated and mentioned as IDC due to very rare occurrence.
Subtypes of IDC make it up for very less percentage of total Breast cancer patients all around world. But IDC make it up so large. Nearly 80% of reported cases are of invasive ductal carcinoma. It contributes maximum number of cases of all breast cancers.
3. Symptoms:
- Nipple discharge
- Redness on breast
- Swelling of one Breast
- Unusual Pain in one breast
- Dimpled breast skin
- Unusual changes in breast.
Many of the times patient feels lump in the breast. Or swollen lymph nodes underarm. But proper diagnosis is made through two ways mammogram (MRI, Ultrasound) and Biopsy.
Mostly invasive ductal carcinoma is found during regular routine mammograms. 2D and 3D mammograms are available in today’s date for more precise results. In Biopsy a needle is used to insert in your breast to take tissue for exact diagnosis.
You should consult your specialist doctor (oncologist) as soon as possible. And then below listed are general treatments used for treating IDC
Lumpectomy/ Mastectomy: if cancer is not spread to more tissues or other body parts lumpectomy is used. Where the part which is infected, and surrounding part is removed with the so that no cancerous cells are left there. But if the tumour is big or in multiple places in the same breast then mastectomy is used where whole breast is removed.
Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy is recommended in some cases.
Chemotherapy: your medical history is taken into consideration before chemotherapy. It can be done before or after surgery. It helps to kill cancerous cells. Targeted therapy:
Here specific characteristics of cancerous cells are targeted. Like protein, cell membrane etc. It is done by antibodies produced by your immune system
6.Survival rate:
Survival rate in invasive ductal carcinoma depends on spread of cancer.
If it’s in nearby tissues to ducts, then you are in good position. But it has spread to lymph nodes or more breast tissue then it affects you. And if it has spread to other body parts then you might have less time left.